Tracey shi— visual experience Designer
Selected Works

Project Risk Evaluation Partners

Bridgehill is a state-of-the-art desktop application that revolutionizes HR management. With Bridgehill, businesses can streamline their human resources processes, enhance employee engagement, and drive organizational success.

November 30, 2022
User Experience Designer
POS wireframing
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Project Risk Evaluation Partners (PREP) is a family run business that provide financial assessment reports to their clients, who are lenders from bank institutions in the process of applying mortgage for their represented home buyers. Their current workflow entirely relies on email chain correspondence and excel for documentation and archive materials, is hindering their capabilities to handle and maintain new and existing business.

I was responsible for the user research and wireframe prototyping component in their phase 1 development, comprised of a 8 week sprint that aims to determine a simple and efficient way to digitize and automate PREP’ requirements: customer contact; communication; orders for services; document-gathering workflow; document and data storage, review and analysis; certificate creation and issuance; and administrative activities via a web portal which will reduce friction and help poise the company for growth.

Client use cases

Based on survey results collected from PREP’s trusted clients, we mapped out the key pain points that clients have navigating with a manual process. Results have shown users wish to see a simplified way to upload documents in varied sizes, formats, and labels; tracking mechanism that reflects real time update made to an submission; and improve overall navigation for search and filter.

PREP system use cases

From PREP admin team, we understand their top priorities for 2B platforms are to create a simple POS to organize and handle various documents from their clients, analyze and issue certificates to those who are pre-approved. The new POS is also expect to store and organize complex data and client information.

Business Flow and Required entities

Create Order

Business Flow and Required entities